"Fashion will always be my drug, horses will always my high, art will always be my excitement, and God will always be my calm; they will always go together and cannot be broken apart. "

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lena Clinic on Sat 25-10-2008

The Lena Wedenmark clinic was Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; we only went on Saturday with my mum's boss. Surprisingly not, she fell in love with Ms. Lena. Who wouldn't? Everyone that audits her or rides with her falls in love with her. She's so clear, so nice, and thorough -yes, that's different than clear. But that's not what I am here to talk about. I just wanted to talk about Saturday.
At the Lena clinics, I love watching all the horses and riders as they work out their problems and get the clear answer(s). This time was no exception. A lot of the horses are just so gorgeous. Especially this one horse at maybe around 3:15 PM. He was a beautiful 6 yr. old of the Rubinstein lines. He was truly a "world-class horse" as Lena said it. And let me tell you, he was! Just superb movement, energy flow, and great engine in the back. Lovely head/face, nice neck with muscles, and an over all stunning body and confirmation. Ms. Leslee, mum, and I were all talking about how he reminded us of Fritz. We thought that this is an example of what Fritz might be like when he gets out of his "iffy, 3 yr. old stages." I didn't get a chance to write down the horse and riders name, but he was stunning, as well as the rider.
Like always, I loved watching Ms. Catherine ride, the energy of the place, and the park-like setting that the property holds. The weather was perfect, to die for. Complemented all the trees, ponds, and hills that the places holds. Everything is so calm there. I prefer places like Libra Farms (the name of the place) and Ms. Leslee's Caddo Horses rather than Noble or Stargate. On our way out, we were discussing this matter of how everything is calmer and more homey at these kinds of places.
We had a good time, Mishael behaved well for himself, and watching the horses and listening to Ms. Lena was fun as always. We arrived probably around 11 AM and left, I'd like to say, a little after 6 PM. Seems like the time there just flew by.

-with love Rebekka

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