"Fashion will always be my drug, horses will always my high, art will always be my excitement, and God will always be my calm; they will always go together and cannot be broken apart. "

Thursday, April 2, 2009

ex. oh. ex. oh.

So do you remember on Gossip Girl's first season, when Blair and  Serena took all the clothes from the "Eleanor Waldorf Collection" at the shoot and got in a cab to go to the water fountain at I believe in Central Park (correct me if I am wrong)? I think the episode was 'Bad News Blair'. Now, do you remember the dresses they were wearing? That was the moment I fell in love with that dress.
 Lorick Barlass Dress
photo source:: GoogleImages

After I saw that dress, I tried my hardest to find out who the designer was, so that I could find out where I can buy it. And of course, I couldn't find anything. Not too long after that eppy, I got my TeenVOGUE mag, and it was one of those "A to Z" things. I believe L stood for Lorick? I was sooo super happy to find out this news, I immediately Googled Abigail Lorick and found the Lorick Barlass Dress on I believe revolveclothing. However, this dress that I fantasised myself running around in in NYC turned out to be a wee bit out of my budget. 

I really just love this scene. Oh, B and S were good too. 

More from the Lorick Spring 2008 collection.

I have recently been checking out the recent Lorick Spring 2009 collection, and it is delicious! I love all aspects of it. I love the forest green on some of the pieces, while others brought out the craving of French pastries in me. All of the pieces are really feminine, some having quite preppy touches. I really just love the whole collection and I wish I could buy it. Someday! 

Some pieces from the Lorick Spring 2009 collection. Tea time?

You can find pieces from her current collection at Buy Definition online. I'm not sure about the store, but I found her clothes at the website. I found out about the store and website through Sea of Shoes. I'm not sure about other online retailers, but Buy Definition is where I have been checking out her stuff. Here is a whole list of online retailers and stores in your  area. 

with love Rebekka

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gorgeous collectiion
